Elijah Money
wet slinking
body dipping
sliding through
salted waters
sunny California
dancing slipping
spotted skin
through soft
green leaves
quiver tickling
feet reminding
of loud culture
oily flesh giving
greeted via
blood blessing
thanking thank
you for your
Lake Condah 
was told that
the water it held
was no longer 
good enough
for consumption
by colonials, it
didn't have the
same purpose as it did
did for the Gunditjmara
peoples, settlers
had plans of driving
people away from
the area by taking
lifesource from them
eels were life in 
this area
no more eels
were allowed to
come and visit
Lake Condah dried
but then 2013
the Lake was filled
after the fighting
the will and power
of Gunditjmara
and even though
eels were unwelcome
for a century
they knew the way
they came back
the eels
deep down
forced into hiding
ducking weaving
through colonial
shit vitamin
overdose anti
depressed piss
harder to fight
white spaces
hosted in cement
cells held captive
cemetery sewer
navigating the
only way
possible right 
now -
currently no
light at the end
of your man
made tunnel
used to flow
right through
veins only to
be deliberately 
deeper to the
the core
Elijah Money (he/him) is a queer Wiradjuri brotherboy who was raised on Kulin Nations where he continues to reside. His practice includes visual art, written work, installations, performance art and more. These are done with strong recurring themes of colonialism, assimilation, skin colour, gender, mental illness, sexuality, climate change, stolen generations, identity as well as critiquing the Eurocentric western idealised structure that each person in so called “Australia” is forced to maintain. Notable highlights include: participant for Writing Residency and hosted “Deadly Poets Yarn” 2020 (MPavilion); digital artwork and written work 2020 (Archer Magazine); visual artist and participant “Poetry and the Political” 2020 (NextWave); written on Archie Moore's work (Memo Review); given lectures (ViewPoint Secondary 2019 & Melbourne University 2020); opened for Alison Whittaker’s book “Blak Work” 2018 (Wheelers Centre); published 2017, 2018, 2020 & 2021 (Rabbit Journal); reading & publication 2021 (Heide Art Museum X Rabbit Journal).
© Lieu Journal 2020